
Skinny Dipping 6

And then, out of nowhere, the man-elf-dwarf-frog eating zombies attacked! The couple stood naked in the water and the lifeless dead slowly encircled them.

“What do we do?” Susan cried. The cure that was changing her from elf to human sapped her magical powers, making a fiery escape impossible. Which was a shame. Fire made her horny.

Daniel dove underwater, panic taking over. He thought that if he could swim away, he’d be safe. He never realized that zombies don’t have to breathe, making underwater travel quite the easy task. These zombies also had been champion swimmer zombies, trained by the head zombie him-self, Michael Phelps.

From the top of the hill he stood. Completely naked. It was J. Umpin Frog, the naked cowboy of the lower east side. With a six shooter in each hand he looked down at the two unlucky campers.

“1…2…3…45. 45 zombies.” He counted, sizing up the competion.

“At least this won’t be hard.”

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