
Isabelle Part 16- I Am Iory

Suddenly a wave of confidence and pride washed over her. She stood straighter and placed her hands on her hips. She didn’t feel like Isabelle Hiew anymore. In fact, she wasn’t even sure who Isabelle was. Isabelle was a distant memory. Emtt was right. She was Iory.
Now Iory could hear the hoof beats off in the distance. Emtt grabbed her arm and started running northward, and, with newfound spirit that came with her newfound person, Iory ran.

I am running from danger, Iory thought to herself. I am running for my life.
So why am I so confident? So, well… happy? Isabelle’s new found Iory asked herself over and over. She was scared, but only a little. Mostly she was happy. Exuberent. Joyful. And she didn’t know why.

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