

I couldn’t tell if I was the one spinning, or if he was, but everything was a blur. His face came in and out of focus, the endless colors trailing in and out. Suddenly I stopped, and I realized that I wasn’t seeing one, but dozens of him. They surrounded me, glared at me. They came closer, closer…

I awoke from my trance, and sat upright abruptly, my scream lingering in the air. I pushed back the covers and sat on my bed, my day old clothes disheveled. My breathing was labored. Just a dream.

I stood up. 2:38 AM. Great. I still had four more hours until I had to be at school. What was I supposed to do in that time period?

Pulling my worn bathrobe over my shoulders I dragged myself downstairs. I didn’t want to, but I was starving. No dinner can do that to you.

I knew before I went in through the door that my dad was there. I hesitated, but then pushed into the kitchen.

Oh yeah, dad was there. His odor hung around the room like a woolen blanket, the smell made my eyes water. Smoke and beer. Lovely.

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