
Where Does The Blame Fall

Jack breathed a loud sigh as he felt her delicate fingers on his chest. He realized again how much he loved her.

“I am so sorry Anna.” he whispered.

Anna looked up at him, confident she wouldn’t cry any longer, though her eyes were still wet. “Jack Dunn don’t you dare tell me you’re sorry. You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about. You did what you had to do. You did what you thought was right. You had nothing to do with any of this until you met me, so if anything this is all my fault and-”
“Hey, hey now,” Jack interuppted,” have you been thinking that this whole time? That this is your fault?” disbelief controlled his face, yet he suddenly looked stern and strong. “Anna you are not to blame. Do you hear me? You, are not, to blame.” He said each word carefully and slowly.
Anna couldn’t express in any fashion how grateful she was to have somebody else tell her these words. She used to try to convince herself of the same thing everyday. But hearing Jack say it made all the difference.

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