

“Theo?â€? I asked warily.

“Yeah.. oh, sorry, I forgot about… that.â€?

I laughed once. “It’s okay.â€?

“You know, you can let go now. This is really cool!â€?

“I can’t, I… I won’t know where I am.â€?

“Aw, come on, you’ll be fine.â€?

“No, I’m staying here.â€?

He was talking to me as if he’d been my friend for years. As if he understood me.

“Okay, whatever.â€?

“Are you going to show me what you can do yet?â€? I asked, changing the subject.

“Well, this is it. It doesn’t make any difference in here. This is my power, my ability.â€?

“What? I don’t understand.â€?

“I can.. fly.â€? He laughed a little.



“But.. how?â€?

“If I knew exactly what it was, I’d tell you. How can you… well, do what you can do?â€?

“I guess they have some ideas. They don’t tell me everything. It has something to do with my eyes, I know that much.â€?

“Same here.. well, not eyes. They say it’s something to do with my brain, and the brainwaves… oh, I don’t know. It doesn’t really matter ‘how,’ what matters is ‘what,’ at least to me.â€?

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