

Rob is a professor of theoretical physics at Imperial College, London. His thesis on “Time Folding” had figuratively and literally opened up new portals of opportunity for him professionally. That said he enjoyed his tenured position teaching.

Practical application was important to him, mere calculation of theories alone was futile. Being a fan of the American TV show “MythBusters,” he let his students participate in physical experiments that supported the core concepts of the theoretical treatise he taught.

At his home lab in Sussex, he worked on a new experiment based on his thesis. It functioned like a Spinning Wheel, twisting fibers of time space and folding them on a molecular level to create what he called “Newmatter.”

Tonight would determine once and for all if this myth was plausible or busted.

A nervous smile kidnapped his face as he turned to his laptop and positioned the cursor over the “Run” button and said.

“I reject your reality and substitute it for my own.â€? He then clicked the button.

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