
Beginning the Demise of Man

The night had not been kind, it was to be expected. Humans were so predictable. All of my warnings, all of my preventive measures were written off as so much silliness.

I stepped over the bodies, some with chemical burns, some shredded, some had been eaten alive. I’d heard their screams but there was nothing I could do. They had gone beyond the perimeter.

Although my skills were great, allowing myself to be surrounded was not an option.

I snorted and looked at the faces around me. I could see it in their eyes, I was the Protector and I should have done something.

They began to pick up bodies and carry them to the pit, if they weren’t destroyed soon, they would reanimate creating more.. things. And the plan began to form but, how did I go against my master, how would I go about bringing to destruction things He loved so much?

Perhaps He would forgive me in time. Perhaps He would say, it is logical. Man did not deserve my protection.Man had been responsible afterall. The rebellion was born.

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