
First Day of Dread High

Well, its official. I was the new girl in school. What is on my mind you ask? Well, that’s a little tricky. See, I was thinking about the best way to ditch my first period biology class and then I remembered, ‘oh yea, im stuck here for life’. But soon enough, I would start to dig this school after all. “Damn locker!” Of course. Out off all the new kids in the school, my locker was the one that was stuck. “Let me help you with that” a voice said. I looked around to my astonishment to see the captain of the track team. He kicked the locker, only it shouldn’t really have been a kick, more as a tap, and it opened. Wow. Was there like a secret spell, ‘cause that seemed like a piece of cake. He leaned against the locker with his shoulder and asked, “What would your name be?”. “Umm.. uhh… Claire” I spit out. “Well that’s a very beautiful name. My name is Chris. You know, first days just happen to be pretty cool. Just don’t do that again.” He looked down at my locker and i looked too.

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