
Thanatos: Lament of the Civilized

The sigh of contentment burns my throat
All is in order, my work come fruition
Peace takes my heart, numbs my soul
Frantic fingers claw against the descent to complacency

Where is the fire, the wild burning of my forebears?
What ocean shall I cross, which mountain to conquer?
Which snaggle-toothed beast will truly test me,
give rise within me to ancient blood-lust?

But no, I sit and wage war quietly
Assailing the walls of civilized restraint
Failing and failing and failing again
To break free and be ought but the cog in machine

Would that I could howl and let loose
Give me battle, loud, raucous, and wild
Tear down this tower of staid ivory
Bring conflict and pain, wrought waves of chaos

Test me, prove me, wrong me, or break me
Uproot mine melancholic, blanched safety
Stoke well yon adversity’s fire
Slake with pain my wrongful lust of thanatos!

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