
Teenager-- Where?

When I woke up I was muzzled and in a cage in the back of a pickup truck.

No familiar scents nearby. I whined but got to my feet. At least my ribcage didn’t hurt anymore.The tarp lying over my cage was flung up, and I yelped in shock at the bright sunlight.

Quickly whoever it was sighed. Thenthey put the tarp back down, but I felt the cage being put into someone’s arms and being carried into woods. I sniffed the familiar scents and sighed. These I was used to. But these people—they weren’t human, they just couldn’t be.

What were they.

Curious, I sniffed again, deeper, and howled. They were werewolves! My breathing came faster- why did they have me? What did they want with me? Where were my friends, my brothers, where?

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