
Ficlets Farewell Party Challenge (pt 6)

Suddenly, I heard a sound coming from the living room. There was someone coming through the door. Then, all was silent. Everyone froze as a tall man with a familiar face walked into the dining room. “It’s him!” we gasped. There, right in front of us, stood Kevin Lawver. “I can’t believe this is happening!” Freedom squealed. No one else could, either. Mr. Lawver greeted us, and then said nothing. I noticed right away he held a book in his hand, bound in deep red leather. I was standing at an angle at which I could see. On the spine, engraved in silver letters were the words, “My Beloved Ficlets Family.” I was breathless. Then, he spoke again. “All of your names,” he began, clearing his throat, “are in this here book.” He held it up so everyone could see. He flipped through a few of the pages. Suddenly, a flying squirrel came gliding through the kitchen. It carried another book, except this one had a green cover. It was smaller, yet thicker than the first.

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