
Ficlets Farewell Party Challenge (pt 9)

It came right up to Mr. Lawver and bit him in the ankle. “AHHHH!” he cried. “BernerO, why did you write that story?” I asked. He shrugged. “I thought it would be fun, but now I’m worried about it eating people!” he said. “How did you stop it in your story?” illusionistic asked frantically. “I..I..I put it in the toaster oven!” BernerO responded. “Well, do that!” I cried. “Somebody, get the toaster oven!” Apocalypse yelled. Then, lena quickly found a toaster oven and trapped the evil toast inside of it. After the ordeal, Kevin Lawver looked somewhat ruffled, but he proceeded. “Well, that sure was a doozy!” he replied sarcastically. “Anyways, I didn’t know that guy was coming. All of the other visitors will be quite friendly, I promise.” Kermitgorf got the man a bandage for his ankle. “Well,” Kevin Lawver went on, “I’ll call them in right now. Guys! The writers are here to see you! Come out and say hello!” he said front behind him. Through the doorway, the awaited visitors came.

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