
My Final Thoughts As Bid Farwell

It’s Monday, December 08, 2008.
4: 58 in the mourning, two minutes before 5.
Just say it am a pickle for accurate.

Here I sit writing away the final motion, as I wave farewell.
For the past weeks you could witness a million of stories being made about the disappearance of Ficlets, and many having to do with save the network. Here I sit twiddling my figures saving all my work, also reliving the times I spent on Ficlets. 11 months does come by fast, I have written well enough a good chapter full. Not that many of my stories were good, some were dreadful to read. I guess it’s good to sit here and laugh at it all. I wish I spent the last three months writing more, and spreading the visions I had. Sometimes it was never meant to happen. I have started over a lot of my projects once again; I had high hopes to have a public viewing. I guess I will one day when I get published for a book or for your local paper.

A farewell from your local phantom in the network!

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