
The End of a Dictator

Time slowed down and I sped forward. Cold steel was clenched tight in my fist, the booming voice of a powerful tyrant reverberating throughout the auditorium. I move in the shadows of the wall, staying low to the ground, while at the same time going as fast as possible.
The nearer I got to the stage, the louder it got. The leader’s supporters were corrupt, heartless, and untrustworthy. They lived for the dollar, whether is be German, Russian, or American.
And yet, the emperor’s empire was thriving, growing, expanding. I had to stop it, stop him. Only a few more steps and my job would be complete. Without warning, I launched between two guards armed with rifles.
As the dictator bellowed his war cry I lunged at him, full speed, full body.
The blade entered his soft temple and his eyes opened with surprise,a facial expression I was used to. Screams of fright and screams of anger rose from the crowd, but it was too late.

The end had come.

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