
New Year's Kiss

My life sucks. It’s a known, scientific fact.

Add the fact that my almost girlfriend just moved to Texas, and my life double sucks.

I sat in the green rocking chair, the one that had been my mam’s, softly whispering a Christmas carol to myself. All alone on new year’s eve. Brilliant.

I felt my fingertips lightly brush my lips, and I sighed. I kept thinking about her annual almost kiss. It won’t be new year’s without it.

I stood up, prepared to go over to the t.v. to switch it on, but was stopped as the sudden tapping of little claws on tile rounded to corner. Memsie, my mutt, still wearing her Christmas antlers, jumped up into the rocking chair. It was if she was reminding me I wasn’t alone. I smiled. Ha.

Memsie snuggled up against the spotted back of the chair, looking right at me. Her intense brown eyes seemed to say You have me. Isn’t that enough?

I laughed. When I bent down, she licked my nose. She seemed to smile at me.

There’s your new year’s kiss.

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