
Ficlets Farewell Party Challenge (pt 35)

Everything did happen for a reason, like ficlets closing, or even my beloved grandfather dying. I knew there would be a happy ending for Seth, Sam, Essie, and Casimir, and I felt an exponential determination to help write it. The world would keep turning, my dreams would keep residing, and I would keep living.
After exchanging a few more dear words, Mr. Kevin Lawver announced that it was time for the characters to go back. I hugged Seth and Sam and bid them a warm good-bye. I stared at Essie with hope, love, amazement, and compassion. “Though I have only been in your company for a few hours, I feel as if you have been a part of me my whole life,â€? I said to her.
“Because you have,â€? she responded simply. Her voice was as calm as water flowing in a stream.

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