
Seeing Sam

After a while,all of the publicity of Brett’s beating on the news died down.It had been a while since I had last seen or spoken to Sam,and I was starting to miss him.Usually we only went a few days without talking to each other.Now,it had been weeks.I decided that I needed to see Sam, to make things right between us.I decided to surprise him one Saturday afternoon.As the bus dropped me off on his street,I somewhat nervously walked to his house. Man,I hoped everything was going to be alright.I rang the doorbell and waited for an answer.I remembered the time Sam had first bought me to his house.I had been so excited to have met him,and I knew it was love right away.I wondered if things would be the same now.Presently,his mom opened the door, her face careworn and perplexed. “Oh, Seth, it’s good to see you,” she said. “I came to see Sam,” I replied eagerly. A sad expression came over her. “Okay, but Sam isn’t doing so well. He got into a fight one day after school, and he was hurt pretty badly,” his mom told me.

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