
Charmed Again

Magic School told me to write about myself a little, so here goes:

This picture on your right is my home. Also known as the Halliwell Manor. I grew up here for 14 years, hence my age. My mom is Piper(the oldest sister) and my dad is Leo(their previous whitelighter, previous Elder and Avatar. Current mortal). My aunts are Phoebe(second oldest) and Paige(youngest). They were known as the Charmed Ones and they kicked ass! They saved the world every other week while trying to have normal lives. They went through so much to have us here safe and everything. They fought demon after demon and still made it to their date. Of course since I’m a boy I’m not Charmed, but I still am part of the family, right? If you’re wondering what my powers are, they’re Molecular Immobilization(freezing time without actually stopping time) and orbing(a way of teleportation). Along side my brothers Wyatt and Chris, we kick demon ass alot. Well since I have to write in here alot(mom makes me) looks like my adventures will only begin.

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