
Hear You Me

The boy- well, not quite a boy, but not quite a man- stared up at the sky from his spot on the sand. Seven gashes of clouds tore up the gray sky and hazy sun; it seemed fitting that heaven was in pain, too. Wounds in heaven; wounds for her.

It made sense, yes. Because nothing would ever be the same without her. Part of him wanted to dedicate monuments to her- to let everyone know just how incredible she was.

And part of him wanted to be selfish. That part wanted to hoard those memories where no one else could access them. Perhaps nobody else deserved them, because nobody had known her like he had. But she wouldn’t have wanted that.

With a lazy smile, he looked up to the skies. Maybe she was there now. Maybe she was right next to him, or maybe she was a part of every gust of wind and blade of grass and infant’s laugh.

Wherever she was, he would never truly get over her. She had been a once in a lifetime person, the kind you can’t ever replace.

But he forgave her, and that was enough for now.

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