
Pricilla's Revenge

Pricilla, we found out later, was the descendant of Jack Rousseau, the imfamous, Prince of Noolk.

Prince Jack had taxed the peasants unmercifully, and enslaved their children, only to be overthrown by Princess Sophia great-grandmother Ruth.

Pricilla had spent years in the woods plotting her revenge. Finally, the day had come. What better day to unleash your fury than the day of a festival?

Pricilla was more beautiful than any mortal. Her looks could vex the most gentleman-like of men. She covered her flaxen locks in a hood, and set out to the village.

Now, everyone had heard the bedtime stories about her, but few had actually seen Pricilla. Thus, it was easy for her to sneak in. Once near the newborn Princess, she revealed a vial from her cloak.

“A pretty present for the pretty Princess!” She shrieked, as its contents emptied into the baby’s open mouth.

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