
I am the sea.

Out on the sea, the breeze was free. I too, longed to be. I ran next to the foaming waves that gently touched my feet. The salt water is my tears, the sand is my skin, the seaweed is my hair. I am the Sea.
The seagulls that fly next to me are my friends and family along with all the fish. I love the blue skies. When they blue fades into a grey I get angry, throwing my waves wherever I can. I am human, I have feelings too. Somedays my water is still other days they are thrown onto the dunes. But I love the sky and it loves me back. But we can never be together for he is too far away. I look at him and smile. I long to be free and fly up to him. Somedays I walk my beach, with my sand skin and hair of seaweed. But I never get as far as my own eye can see. My love is nonstop and they sky feels the same. Sometimes he crys down to me and my heart is full of pain. I love it when he smiles and his rays reach out to me. Its a perfect balance. He lives over the sea.


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