
Stranger Shadows

Soft hushes lingered outside in the pitch black darkness of the night.I walked forward,looking at my legs to they too had been engulfed by the darkness itself.I felt my hair blow back by the mad wind.The wind in the trees made the hushes go wild.I shut my eyes tight and with all my might I managed to choke out some defense,”Whoever is out there,I know who you are, and you better stay away.”There was no reply even the trees stopped hushing.My heart slowed down to a ballad tempo.I felt the color slowly and apprehensively come back into my face.It was still pitch black but I had found comfort in the fact that I was the one scaring myself and that no one was after me.I cant believe I thought that guy was after me, ha. I thought and laughed quietly in spite of myself.“Why in the world would he even want me?â€?I said out loud.I let out a sigh of relief.My heart then was sore, almost like it was stung by a bee.A dark figure came up behind me and grumbled in a raspy tone.“Oh I could think of a few reasons Eva.â€?

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