

I awoke slowly ; the darkness was complete save for a few beams of moonlight stretching their way across the room. My eyes started to adjust, and I began to be able to make out the features of the strange place. It smelled of blood and mold, and I could see bookcases lining the walls. Then I heard it. Deep breathing, like the breathing of an elderly man. A few moments later, there was a voice. I remember this voice very well, it still haunts me in my dreams. It was a smooth voice, but deep, and full of power.

“Good, I see you have awoken,â€? said the voice. I was terrified. I had no recollection of what had happened to get me in my current situation. All I could remember was I was out in a tavern, having a nice mug of ale, when I started feeling drowsy, and decided to buy a room at the nearby inn. When I awoke, I was in this foul-smelling dungeon-like place. “Who are you? What do you want with me?â€? I screamed. The deep voice spoke again, and spoke for quite some time. What it told me changed me forever.

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