
A Series of Events

It is a common misconception that all babies are nice. This is not necessarily true. You may, for instance, meet a baby that does nothing but cry, or spew mashed bananas all over your cashmere vest, or, worst yet, insult your favorite recipe for stuffed peppers.

You may at the same time meet a baby that does nothing but shower you with kisses, or falls asleep right away, or best yet, do your tax returns. I for one prefer that latter.

The Trifle Triplets, and their youngest brother, were far past being babies. The triplets, Dan, Flori, and Rupert, were around twelve years of age, and their brother, Mannie was eleven.

While they were each unique in their own skills, they shared many. For one, all were able to effiecently do tax returns. They were also great singers. The Trifle siblings took after their parents in the fact that they could count to one hundred on one finger. But, one day, while at the carnival, they received terrible news. And that was not such a baby thing at all.

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