
Like a Wave

How is it that you make me feel brand new?

I’m sitting here underneath the already-turning oak tree, the one way in the back of the field. Do you remember it? It’s the one with the hanging rope swing. Already, it’s leaves are tinged with orange. It seems almost as though the old oak is drinking in the firey paint of sunset.

I keep turning my head, expecting to see you here beside me.

The sky is the clearest shade of blue I’ve ever seen. It’s so blindingly beautiful that it almost hurts my eyes to look at it for too long.

I wish you could see it.

I wish you were here.

Because it’s days like today that make me happy to be alive.

Sometimes I feel as though I’m seeing the world through your eyes. This thought alone is enough to get me through the worst of the bad days.

How is it that you make me feel brand new?

I almost feel as though I’m standing on an edge. And as the cool almost-autumn breeze blows through my hair, I feel the tendrils of a new beginning wash over me like a wave.

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