
Deadly Game

The game show host continued his usual script of catchphrases and mildly risqué humour.

The audience, stimulated by cue-cards held by droids, applauded, laughed and cheered at the appropriate moments.

The contestant was a nervous, mild-mannered man, an accountant, who had been selected from the audience at random, and looked more than uncomfortable with his current situation.

Should he gamble or play safe?

I’d gamble. He could easily double his winnings at this point.

But he didn’t, he played safe, and for his caution he was presented with a challenge.

My challenge.

I descended from my hiding place, high up in the rafters of the studio. Spinning sickeningly on the upright disc I was strapped to.

The challenge was simple, the participant given his weapon. One successful shot and he’d hit the jackpot.

It’s always surprising how accurate a person can be, even when nervous.

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