
Tessa Goes Home

Of course, as luck often has it, once she lit her cigarrette, the bus arrived. She let it drop into the snow and then gathered up her suitcase in one hand, leaving the other free to pay the fare.

She had trouble finding a space with adequate room because the suitcase was so heavy, but eventually, she found one, by a window. Her suitcase sitting on her toes, and her large purse on her lap, she sat smooshed against the window by a man who had evidentally eaten quite a bit of curry recently.

But she didn’t care.

She was going home.

It’d been a year since she’d seen the place, and a long year at that. It was the first time she’d ever been away from home for so long, but it was worth it.

Freshman year had a lot to offer: studying sessions and other late night activities, 3 different boyfriends, 1 girlfriend, new friends, enemies, and viewpoints about life. She’d met people from places she’d never even heard of.

But home was the only place she wanted to hear about now. And she’d be there soon.

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