
Afterlight (A City Of Villains Story Part 5)

Before she could react, two of the gang members grabbed her. They must have worked her over for an hour, maybe more. Eventually, all she could remember was pain, and then the tunnel where she met up with… herself?

Yes, my dear, her alter-ego said. I’ve been hiding in a little corner of your mind for quite some time. I think you created me because, deep down, you a malicious, conniving little whore who couldn’t stand the paltry sum they pay you to educate other people’s brats. But, of course, you had an image to maintain. You couldn’t let sweet, innocent Mrs. Wilks suddenly turn heel. And so, here I am! She laughed.

“No. No!” Melody stammered. ” I… I couldn’t… I would never…”

You’re right. You never did. You never had the guts to do what was needed to get ahead. I did. I guess my greed overrode my common sense, though, in this case. But I learn from my mistakes.

“If I choose to die, what happens to you?”

Oh, I can’t follow you into the afterlife.

“Then my decision is made.”

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