
I am Vaughn

After the initial conversation about Brit’s intelligence had passed I began to breath easier.I had been so close to hyperventilating before that.I hoped she hadn’t noticed how my voice cracked nervously when I complimented her English skills.
Once we had moved onto the Pythagorean Theorem I was way more comfortable.Nice solid facts to hold onto- there’s nothing better.
I wasn’t lying when I said what I thought of grades. I hate grades.I have had so many students in my tutoring classes who were messed up because of grades.The stress levels were ridiculous: you either cared until you lost it like Perdita did and end up in hospital with severe school-related OCD , or you didn’t care at all. It’s ridiculous what people do to themselves over grades.How people treat each other because of grades.How hugely grades can affect your life (ex:college).And how little they really represent of a person’s intelligence.
Because I learned to care about grades as a #1 priority I lost other things: free time and girls, mostly.

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