
Just A Little Back-to-School

Yes. Finally. Back to school.
I never thought I’d look forward to school, but I was now. I was so ready to get out of the house. My mom was about to drive me insane, and I couldn’t wait to see Cynthia again. Also, my nightmares had stopped, which put me in an extremely good mood. I stopped by her house and picked her up (because, honestly, who wants to take the bus?)
I plugged my iPod into the stereo and turned it up. She looked at me questioningly.
Her: Her Eyes?
I shrugged. Me: Yeah… I thought it kind of, you know, depicted us well… because… um…
She grinned and quoted the song. Her: Sometimes you think I’m truly crazy…. but you love it.
I laughed. Me: Yeah, pretty much. I do love you.
I glanced over at her. She blushed and looked out the window, a small smile playing about her face.
After school I dropped her off at her house. Her: Hey, do you think we could go to the creek for a bit? Your mom doesn’t get home until 4:30, after all.
I though for a moment. Me: Yeah, sure. Let’s go.

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