
Entering The Unknown

Everything went black as the father and daughter sat there. It was truly the end of the generation. The young girl, opened her eyes to complete darkness. Nothing at all. She listened hard to hear nothing. Nothing except the sound of her own breathing.
“Daddy?” she whispered. No reply. No “Honey ,everything will be okay!” No daddy to reassure herself.
“Daddy?” she called, louder. Her heart was pounding. She kept calling for her father, each time louder and louder. Each time her heart started to beat faster. Nobody was there, except herself.
Suddenly, the young girl started to feel like she was falling. She felt as if the wind was whipping through her hair…everything was as if it were in slow motion. She felt as if she were falling off the monkey bars. But, her father’s warm arms were not there to catch her. The young girl kept falling. She wasn’t caught. She didn’t stop. Everything had faded and it was as if she were falling through a black whole. She was by herself. Entering the Unknown.

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