
Infidelity Can Kill

It was as if her brain could not produce thoughts or her throat could not produce sound.
The room was dark, but she didn’t need light to see the two forms on the bed. The grunting, moaning, and creaking of bedsprings continued, the sounds etching into her mind. She didn’t think as she reached out and ripped the phone from the wall, but even this sound went unheard as the woman on the bed screamed.
Without thought she walked to the bed’s side and brought the phone’s base down on the moaning woman’s head. She didn’t make a sound, she simply fell silent and collapsed back onto the bed. The man was screaming and grabbing her arms to stop her but she gave him no notice, batting his hands away. She swung the phone until there was no skull left, until her hand, the phone, her face, and dress were bathed in warm blood. She dropped the phone and stood up. The man was screaming, she was was forgotten as he panicked over the dead woman.
She left the dark room closing the door behind her.
Never saying a word.

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