
Conquering the Fear

“I can’t tell you what happened Hannah, you have to remember,” he whispers.

“But I can’t, I don’t know how!” I begin to panic. Do I have to do everything myself?

But Daddy is rapidly fading, “You can do it Hannah. Have faith.”

“I don’t want to go down the last path. I’m afraid,” I whisper to the man who is no longer there. I know what I have to do. Now it’s just a matter of finding the courage to face the truth.

I could be content here, even if I am alone. I could make excuses for myself to stay in this place. But something tells me that drawing towards one conclusion or another is out of my control.


The family gathered round the bed in a circle with Hannah in the middle and held hands; they were praying.

“Please come back to us, Hannah,” Sidney whispered.


Without looking back at the church, I run to the start of the paths that I ran away from in fear just a short while ago. I glance at the two paths I’ve been down and then turn to face the one I haven’t. The sign is blank.

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