
Remembering Trust

I snorted, “Tonight. Of course. I should have known.”
Drew was blushing furiously. He seemed like a nice enough kid, just troubled, and possibly a little self-centered. I sighed. “Look, Drew, I’m not trying to yell at you or anything, but you really need to take a closer look at your surroundings. Paige… never talks about her dad. She’d be willing to change the subject to anything else, to avoid talking about it. That’s probably why she chose this time that it looked like Cynthia was going to die, to tell you.”
“What?” Drew looked up sharply, surprised.
I had done so much explaining tonight. I sighed. “I was keeping Paige posted on Cynthia. There were a few times it looked like she might go under, and this morning was one of them. It was no different from any of the other times. Don’t you think it’s a little weird she chose now to tell you? Did it every occur to you that she might just be avoiding talking about herself?”
Drew stared at the table, “But… she does trust me.”
I frowned.

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