
Remembering Tomorrow

Angela frowned. “Yes, consciously, I suppose. I mean, she thinks she does. I don’t suppose you noticed when she moved her hand as she was eating. You know, when you put your arm down on the table by it. Or the way she always leans away from you slightly when she sits next to you. Subconsciously, she doesn’t trust you one bit. And you want to know why?” Angela leaned forward, intense. I was suddenly sure I didn’t want to know. “Because she doesn’t think she deserves it.”
Angela leaned back and I stared at my apple, moving it around in my hands. We were still sitting in this position when Paige returned, looking a little fresher.
“When are you two planning on going back?” Angela asked us. I noticed Paige leaned her head on one hand, her elbow on the table on the side farthest from me. She was leaning away from me. I realized they were both looking at me for an answer.
“Tomorrow,” I said, looking straight at Paige. She nodded.
“Tomorrow,” she agreed.

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