
The job

He leaned back in his chair and smiled smugly at the amount that’s in his bank account. His computer does a ding, alerting him to the fact that he has email. He checks his email and theres a message from someone named Cruza. AHHH ! he thought, a job! He types back: What’s the job, where’s the job, and you will pay this fee in the amount of $500,000.00. SEND .
The email comes back: eliminate Senator Thomas at his Wisconsin home. Bank account numbers needed. $250,000 upfront. $250,000 after.
The man thinks about it, sends email back saying: DONE .
The next day he flies out to Wisconsin and starts scoping out Senator Thomas and his routines. After two weeks of careful planning, he situates himself in his area and doesn’t move till he has the perfect shot.
Little does he know, the FBI has scoped him out and set him up with the contact name CRUZA . Senator Thomas is an undercover agent.
Just as he was about to get his shot off, he feels a tug at his foot and slowly he looks down, it’s an agent.

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