
Magic's Mark [3]

“So you’re saying that I’m a magi, a special one. The most powerful one that’s ever lived apparently and you want me to use my powers help you annihilate the mutant cannibal population?” Maria squirmed at how ridiculous it all sounded when he put it like that.
“Uh, well, yeah… i guess.” Ritchie raised an eyebrow in amusement.
“Fine, don’t believe me! But when October comes around and you can’t control your magic, don’t come crying to me.” With that Maria stormed out of the broom closet, leaving a very amused Ritchie in her wake.
He stepped out of the closet and headed back to his rooms. One of the secretaries from the main office stopped him.
“Where have you been, we’ve been looking all over for you!” She half-yelled at him.
“I was uhh, in the bathroom…” he lied.
“Well, you have a visitor. Two in fact.”
“Who are they?”
“It’s your father, and someone else, she says her name is Katherine.” Ritchie was stunned, he followed the secretary to the cafeteria, for his visit, dazed.

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